Stream Analyze Wins Prestigious Bona Postulata Award

Uppsala, Sweden
May 9, 2022

Stream Analyze, a pioneering deep tech company, has been honored as one of the winners of the coveted Bona Postulata Award, an accolade given to companies in Uppsala Region demonstrating strong growth potential.

Recognizing Stream Analyze's trailblazing work in developing and deploying analytical AI models on edge devices, the award is a testament to the company's innovative approach in realizing the transformative potential of real-time data analytics.

"Bona Postulata’s recognition confirms our belief in the transformative power of edge analytics," says Jan Nilsson, CEO of Stream Analyze. "We are honored and motivated to receive this accolade that appreciates the growth potential and innovation in our approach."

Stream Analyze Platform empowers businesses to monetize their edge device data. With real-time data-stream analytics on the edge, businesses can enable predictive maintenance, improve quality control and operational uptime, expand product and customer insights, enhance user experience as well as introducing software-enabled features and servitization. The Bona Postulata Award, backed by prominent companies and business organizations in the Uppsala region, is distinctive for rewarding winners with qualified training and mentorship, providing further opportunities for growth.

With this win, Stream Analyze joins the ranks of companies singled out for their potential to become significant players in the future. Stream Analyze plans to use the momentum from this recognition to solidify its position as a leader in edge analytics and further its innovative pursuits in edge AI technology.

"This award is a validation of our commitment to innovation, customer success, and growth," continues Jan Nilsson. "We look forward to utilizing the training, mentorship, and the unique network that comes with this award to further enhance our services and impact."

For more information about Stream Analyze and its edge analytics solutions, visit

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